In this article you will learn how to:
- Search/filter vendor data
- Download W-9 form/data
- Send email invites to vendors all through the Vendor Management user interface
To access the Vendor Management user interface:
- Log in to VendorProof
- On the navigation bar, click on the "Vendors" tab
Search/Filter Vendor Data
- The Vendor Management user interface allows you to search and filter on several data points for precision in locating the particular vendor's or vendors' record you are searching for
- You can search for your vendor by:
- Vendor Number
- Legal Business name (organization or first or last name of an individual)
- Tax Identification Number (Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number)
- Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number
- Occasionally, vendors may share particular data sets. In order to drill down into the exact vendor you are searching for, you can filter based on:
- Which facility (if there are multiple facilities in your organization) manages the particular vendor
- Exclusion Status (i.e. Red, Yellow, Pending or Green)
- Verification Result (i.e. Match, Suspected Match, Suspected No Match, No Match)
- Payment Status
- Link Status
- And when their last W-9 was submitted.
- You can also add a vendor from the Vendor Management user interface. We cover that process in more depth here
E-mail Invite and W-9 export
- Search for the specific vendor you need to invite via email or export W-9 data and/or W-9 forms for
- Once you find the vendor, check the box on the far right of the row
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the drop down that reads "Please Select" and choose "Send Invite" from the menu to invite the vendor to sign up for the VendorProof system or choose "Export W9 data" or "Export W9 Form(s)" to download W9 content for that particular vendor
- If you select "Send Invite," a pop-up window with editable fields for who is sending the email (your organization name), what email address the vendor's response will go to, subject line, and message box for a customizable message. Once you've filled out these fields, press the "Send" button on the bottom right corner of the pop-up window to email the vendor.
- If you select "Export W9 Form(s) or "Export W9 Data," it will automatically download the forms or data (in excel) you are requesting
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