The Vendor Tab provides population oversight on the monitored data that has been provided by the data file, as well as all alert information. To access your vendor information, click on Vendors in the top menu bar upon log in.
The search fields allow you to look for a specific individual or company using vendor number, name, or sub-client group. You can also filter by alert color status, by selecting the dropdown beneath Monitoring Status.
By clicking View to the right side of the vendor's name, you will be taken to the information that was submitted via your vendor file from your AP System. You can review information such as Name, DBA, Address, Category, TIN (if available within user permissions), NPI, DUNS, Reps with the vendor organization, etc. On the right panel, you'll see an Overall Monitoring Status as well as the Monitor Period, Payment Status, W9 Information, Vendor Number, Vendor Category, and Sub-Client group.
*Note: If participating in VendorProof Plus Cost Share, this section will also display any answers provided in the custom questionnaires during vendor enrollment.
Next: Monitor Alerts
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