There are three ways of ending exclusion monitoring for a current vendor: Two manually on the Vendor Management user interface; and one via the file upload on the Vendor Import user interface.
1. Ending monitoring manually
- Log in to VendorProof
- Click on the "Vendors" tab

- Search for the specific vendor you need to end monitoring on
- Once you find the vendor, you can either click delete on the far right. This will delete the vendor from your population and end monitoring
- Or you can check the box on the far right of the row, scroll down to the bottom of the page to the drop down that reads "Please Select" and choose "Set End Date (To Today)" from the menu
- A pop-up window will ask you to confirm your decision to deactivate monitoring and remove the vendor from your list of vendors
- Click the "Confirm" button to complete monitoring deactivation for the vendor or group of vendors you have selected

- : The difference between deleting and setting an end date from the drop down is that you can select several vendors to set an end date for, but you can only delete one vendor at a time.
2. Ending Monitoring via file upload
- Log into VendorProof
- Click on the "Vendor Import" tab
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the file named "VendorProof Sample File Import (CSV)" to download the upload template

- Build your file with the data of the vendors you'd like to terminate from your vendor list (you can also include it on an update file along with vendors you would like to keep monitoring but are merely updating their information). The date can be in the future or the past. If the entered date is in the future, the system will not term the vendor until the designated date. Make sure the date is formatted correctly. (Example: MM/DD/YYY = 11/20/2011)
- The last column (not including hidden fields) is the End Date column. Here you can set the end date for vendor monitoring and it will also remove the vendor from your list of vendors.
- Once you are finished building your file, click on the "Upload file" button in the "Submit Files" section
- Select the data import mode (Note: Use Add/Update mode ONLY)
- Click the "Choose File" button and select the file you've just built
- Click the "Upload File" button to import your data into your VendorProof system
- After you have submitted your file, the file will appear in the "Incoming Files" section until the system has processed the File.

- Once your file has successfully processed, it will appear in the "Processed Files and Results" section. You can download a copy of your file by clicking on the file name.
- You can also view a summary of the file (i.e. any skipped lines, number of results submitted, etc) by clicking on the "View Summary" button.
- If there are errors causing the file to fail, the file will appear in the "Error Files and Results" section. Just like in step 11, you can download a copy of your file by clicking on the file name as well as view a summary of the file (i.e. any reason for file failure) by clicking on the "View Summary" button.
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