This article provides instructions for preparing and importing vendor data using both the user interface and SFTP methods. It includes a detailed explanation of each column to be populated in the file and highlights key requirements, such as the use of a unique Vendor Number and proper formatting for fields like TIN/SSN.
*You can download a sample file template at the bottom of the article.
Vendor Data Processing Rules
When processing vendor data, if a Vendor Number is included multiple times within the same file, only the last line where the vendor appears will be used. Any previous occurrences of the same vendor will be disregarded.
In the example below, the vendor number 1234
appears multiple times in the file snapshot. In this scenario, the data from Row 4 will be saved since it is the last appearance on the file.
- Vendor Number: 1234
- TIN/SSN: 444-55-6666
- NPI: Not provided
- Is Company: FALSE
- Name: Joseph Schmoe
All prior entries for vendor number 1234
will be overwritten by the data in the last instance.
Vendor File Specifications
Column | Item | Required/Preferred/Optional | Description |
A | Vendor Number | Required |
Must be unique to individual or business. Can be assigned by client or, if not, should be populated by client as EIN number. This field is case sensitive. VendorProof will read AZ123 and az123 as two separate vendor records. |
B | TIN / SSN | Preferred |
TIN (Tax Identification Number) - EIN (Employer ID Number) or SSN (Social Security Number - for individuals). Must be nine digits including leading zeros, with or without dashes. This is used to verify exclusions and/or sanctions. Dashes (XXX-XX-XXXX or XX-XXXXXXX) can be used or excluded.
Invalid TINs will fail file. |
C | Client ID | Optional |
Generally only used for sub-client option. If using sub-client option, please contact VendorProof sub-client IDs. Invalid or Unmapped Client ID will fail file. |
D | Is Company | Required |
Enter True if monitoring a company or False if monitoring an individual. File will fail if column is blank. |
E | Business Name | Required if "Is Company" = TRUE |
Legal Name of Business (Example: ABC Company, Inc.) Leave blank if vendor is an individual |
F | DBA Name | Optional | Doing Business as a Name (Example: Spelling Company of West Point) |
G | Vendor Category | Optional |
Type or Category of the entity. Can be used to track types of vendors, and pricing can be specific to an entity type (Example: Medical or 300). Unmapped values will fail file. Contact Support for new category mapping. |
H | DUNS | Optional |
Dun and Bradstreet Number (Dashes can be used or excluded XX-XXX-XXXX or XXXXXXXXX). Non-nine digit values will fail file. |
I | NPI | Optional |
National Provider Identifier (10-digits) File will not fail due to invalid (non-10 digit) NPI but inaccurate information may impact monitoring accuracy. |
J | Other 1 | Optional | Placeholder field which can be used to store useful information to client that will not be used for monitoring/verification purposes. |
K | Other 2 | Optional | Placeholder field which can be used to store useful information to client that will not be used for monitoring/verification purposes. |
Columns L through P should only be used for individual monitoring. Leave blank if monitoring an entity. | |||
L | First Name | Required if "Is Company" = FALSE | First name of individual being monitored. |
M | Middle Name | Optional | Middle name or initial of individual being monitored. |
N | Last Name | Required if "Is Company" = FALSE | Last Name of individual being monitored. |
O | Former Last Name | Optional | Former last name of individual being monitored (Example: Maiden name). |
P | BirthDate | Optional | Use format MM/DD/YYYY |
Columns Q through Z can be used both for individual and entity monitoring. | |||
Q | Address Line 1 | Preferred | Example: 817 3rd Ave N, Unit 310 or 817 3rd Ave N |
R | Address Line 2 | Optional | In example above, if Address Line 1 is 817 3rd Ave N, Address Line 2 should be Unit 310 |
S | City | Preferred | |
T | State | Preferred | Invalid State Abbreviations will be skipped. |
U | Zip | Preferred |
String value; can be anything provided by the client (no validation)
V | Mailing Address Line 1 | Optional | Column V through Z are used if mailing address is different from business address. |
W | Mailing Address Line 2 | Optional | |
X | Mailing City | Optional | |
Y | Mailing State | Optional | |
Z | Mailing Zip | Optional | |
Columns AA through AJ should only be used by VendorProof Engage clients. | |||
AA | Rep1 First Name | Optional | Columns AA through AH are used to contact representatives of your vendors to complete enrollment in VendorProof Engage. |
AB | Rep1 Last Name | Optional | |
AC | Rep1 Email | Optional | Invalid Email address will fail file. |
AD | Rep1 Phone Number | Optional | |
AE | Rep2 First Name | Optional | |
AF | Rep2 Last Name | Optional | |
AG | Rep2 Email | Optional | Invalid Email address will fail file. |
AH | Rep2 Phone Number | Optional | |
AI | End Date | Optional | Sets an end date for vendor monitoring as well as removes the vendor from the client's list of vendors. End Date Format should be MM/DD/YYYY |
AJ | Licensenumber | Optional |
This is a hidden field. To include license numbers, place the data in the column after "End date". Leave blank unless directed by implementation or client success. |
AK | EntityID | Optional |
This is a hidden field. Leave blank unless directed by implementation or client success. |
AL | VendorGroupNumber | Optional |
This is a hidden field but can be used to group multiple vendor records together. TIN, NPI or other unique values are often used in this field. Implementation or Client Success may guide clients to use field based on organization's needs. |
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